Sippican Cottage

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King of the World

I’m king of the world. I’ve made end tables and people. My wife helped some, but not with the end tables. I must have read a bazillion wasted pixels, written by people nearly old enough to qualify for grandparent status, explaining that they’re not ever having any kids because of the need to pay back a quarter-million dollars in school loans, the end result of which is an inability to spell “lose” and a job drawing pictures in foam.

Let’s all read another 600 words of Marketwatch twaddle about how much it costs to raise a kid to adulthood. Oh, lets! I like to read that sort of thing and point and laugh at the author and everybody that reads it and doesn’t point and laugh. If you put a dollar sign anywhere on a child there’s no hope for you. What will they put on your gravestone? Trick question, there will be no one that cares if you’re alive or dead to buy one for you, but for the sake of argument, what would it say? That guy/girl sure could watch premium cable.

Speaking of pointing and laughing, go watch the video again. No one points and laughs better than a toddler.

Others Keep Going, Too

I wrote the other day of the need to Keep Going. The Keep Going statue is the only trophy I want on my shelf just now. My wife says it’s fine if I want to accept it, but she’d prefer I didn’t start posing for it until I install a new bathtub. The Keep Going trophy is the only one worth having if you have children.

Longtime reader and commenter DadofHomeschoolers drops me a line from time to time. He’s one of the many people who let me know there are others that Keep Going. It’s much easier when you know you’re part of a quiet wave. His son Daniel is like my older son. They are too old for (homeschool) high school, but they keep going, of course. Daniel is studying to produce records, and like all people who Keep Going, he’s not waiting for a diploma to do things. Juliana Schnee is his friend, and another homeschool graduate, and they’re making recordings together. Juliana is writing music, and performing it where an audience can get at her — the bravest thing I know.

I offer no advice. Just a heartfelt wish that they Keep Going.

[If you know of someone that qualifies for Keep Going status, send it to SippicanCottage*at*]

Tag: Keep Going

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