California Stars

Wow. Farm Aid was over 25 years ago. I had no idea if they ever helped anybody. There are still a lot of family farmers here in Maine, but the state has been an anachronism in many ways for a very long time. They seem to help themselves, mostly.

Holy cow, they’re still doing it!

It’s hard to argue with anything listed on their “Our Work” page.

I read their tax return. It’s difficult to get a handle on exactly what they’re doing. They parcel out grants hither and yon. I guess that’s the nature of an organization dedicated to small businesses. Farm Aid is based in that bastion of the small, family farm: Cambridge Massachusetts (snicker). And they have three directors making $125,000 a year, and someone who works 20 hours a week making 66 grand. I’ve heard enough. I’m out.

Great fun watching Wilco play a sorta Woody Guthrie song, in any case.

Day: September 26, 2024

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