Tractor in Maine
Picture of sippicancottage


A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

California Stars

Wow. Farm Aid was over 25 years ago. I had no idea if they ever helped anybody. There are still a lot of family farmers here in Maine, but the state has been an anachronism in many ways for a very long time. They seem to help themselves, mostly.

Holy cow, they’re still doing it!

It’s hard to argue with anything listed on their “Our Work” page.

I read their tax return. It’s difficult to get a handle on exactly what they’re doing. They parcel out grants hither and yon. I guess that’s the nature of an organization dedicated to small businesses. Farm Aid is based in that bastion of the small, family farm: Cambridge Massachusetts (snicker). And they have three directors making $125,000 a year, and someone who works 20 hours a week making 66 grand. I’ve heard enough. I’m out.

Great fun watching Wilco play a sorta Woody Guthrie song, in any case.

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