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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

If I Had A Million Dollars, I’d Buy You A Monkey

Christmas is a bit wistful this year. We won’t get to visit our relatives and a lot of our friends. There isn’t much under the tree. I hope for coal in my stocking, so I can burn it. But Christmas is cheering me up this year. Isn’t that sorta the point?

The spirit of the thing expresses itself if you let it.

To all my relatives and friends, including all my Intertunnel friends who have been so generous with their attention and praise and who’ve purchased furniture from my little store, and you doughty Amazon shoppers who’ve used our links and helped us out, we wish you laughter and joy, along with the peace of mind that the contemplation of the sublime can supply. Merry Christmas, every one.

PS: This song is chosen especially for my friend Bird Dog, who loves Napoleon Dynamite.

Update: Regular reader and commenter Sam L. requested the lyrics. We aim to please. So you aim, too, please. Or something.

Fall is here, hear the yell
Back to school, ring the bell
Brand new shoes, walking blues
Climb the fence, book and pens
I can tell that we are gonna be friends

Walk with me, Suzy Lee
Through the park, by the tree
We will rest upon the ground
And look at all the bugs we’ve found
Then safely walk to school
Without a sound

Well here we are, no one else
We walked to school all by ourselves
There’s dirt on our uniforms
From chasing all the ants and worms
We clean up and now it’s time to learn

Numbers, letters, learn to spell
Nouns, and books, and show and tell
At playtime we will throw the ball
Back to class, through the hall
Teacher marks our height against the wall

And we don’t notice any time pass
We don’t notice anything
We sit side by side in every class
Teacher thinks that I sound funny
But she likes the way you sing

Tonight I’ll dream while I’m in bed
When silly thoughts go through my head
About the bugs and alphabet
And when I wake tomorrow I’ll bet
That you and I will walk together again
’cause I can tell that we
Are going to be friends

16 Responses

  1. I love the reindeer hat. It may be the awesomest winter hat I've ever seen.

    Thanks for the song, and merry Christmas!

  2. Those boys! The Heir has gotten so comfortable with the guitar and sings BEEE-YOU-tifully. And The Spare? I swear! He needs to be my son-in-law. Love that little gooberscnitzel.

    Can the Heir do the song from the Fuzzy Peaches that was featured in Juno?

  3. Hi Benjamin- Thanks for reading and commenting. Merry Christmas.

    If anyone tells Julie it's a lobster hat and makes her cry, I'll beat them up.

    Ruth Anne- One of my oldest and dearest Intertunnel friends. I've never heard of that song. I'll ask. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family. And he is a lovable goodershnitzel, it's true.

    Hi Thud- Happy Chrimble to you and your beautiful family.

  4. Well, this is DANGED CUTE (don't tell 'em I said so).

    Didn't catch all the words here; could you append the lyrics to these?
    I'd 'preciate it just a whole bunch.

  5. Uncle Ed loved this! Great job to the Sullivan Bros. We'll miss seeing all of you at our x-mas eve get together. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

  6. A great way to start a day! What charming and handsome young men! Merry Christmas to you all–keep warm, keep singing and follow our motto: Something will turn up. And many, many thanks for all the great blogging here and There.

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