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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

Thank God That In Its Infinite Wisdom, The Universe Never Gave Me Any Girls To Raise

My wife, in a brazen attempt to head off the Anne Boleyn effect, produced an heir and a spare. It’s just as well; imagine me Christmas shopping for a daughter:

7 Responses

  1. I am SO stealing that. Merry Christmas to you, your much better half, and the berserker boys! (two girls, and a berserker myself, all three write)

  2. Thanks for sharing – and consider it stolen by me as well.

    Merry Christmas to all the Sippicans in the wilds of Maine, from all the Schultzes in the muddy Midwest.

  3. 😀

    I was never much of a barbie girl, but I would totally have played with these.

    Charlotte! Emily! Ahhhnne!


    Oh, yeah – take that, She-Ra!

  4. My daughter goes for a She-Hulk doll, herself.

    The great thing about this vid is you can never tell if it's a parody for sure. That's rich.

  5. Christmas shopping for girls is what a wife is for, whereas we chaps just nod sagely and feign interest in various pink objects…..they are cute though.

  6. If I'd had dolls like this when I was a boy, I would never have played with my brother's Tonkas and Hotwheels. Sigh. We grow up too fast, Sip.

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