Picture of sippicancottage


A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

So, That Just Happened

A few minutes ago, I was sitting at the desk in my office. It’s a spectacular day here in western Maine. High seventies, sun and clouds, flowers starting to bloom in earnest, modest breeze. My office is faceted. It has four big windows facing four different directions. All of them are open wide.

The street is only steps away from our front door. This used to be the main road into town, but they built a state highway out back by the river decades back, and our road got sleepy.

A car just cruised past with all its windows down. It was playing music loud enough for me to hear it. Summer music dopplering past out of a  moving car can be a jolly sound.  Depends on what it is. Thrash metal and rap, not so much. When it’s a recording of your sons playing Yesterdays, your life achieves a kind of perfection, I tell you what.

9 Responses

  1. As I like to say, "There are things in life that money doesn't make better, it just makes them more elaborate."

  2. Them, and you, have learned more from their investigation of music than any school could teach.

  3. I have their stuff on my 'Droid. I was listening to them up and back town this afternoon. They do jazz like pros.

    Sip, you gotta introduce them to Wes Montgomery. Angel from his A Day in the Life LP.

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