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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

Portrait Of American Idol As A Young Man

When you dive and you squeal
Cuz you see a big eel
That’s a moray…

9 Responses

  1. Hi Ruth Anne- I missed all that. Amba has a blog with Theo Boom? Who knew? Nice people.

    I used to sing "That's Amore" with joke lyrics back in the day.

  2. Amba's new blog, Ambiance, is a group effort. She often posts there, as do others. She's also started one called 'Cloven, Not Crested' for women's issues and something about the anal-retentive copy editor, for linguistic pet peeves. She was finding the daily obligation of her one blog to be too much, stopped posting and then these three sprung up. Women. Go figure.

    And, had you been on Twitter, you'd have seen it in real time. Hint.

  3. Thanks Ruth Anne. No, really. I have been walking around whistling the tune, blurting out "a moire" and so on, all afternoon.

    Good stuff…

  4. He struggled with the lyrics a bit in the middle but pulled off a big finish!
    Kinda reminded me of Jerry Garcia.

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