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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

Got Happy? No? Get Happy!

I am not officially out of the music business right now, as I am forced by my friends to perform two or three times a year. But “in” the music business now is kind of an exaggeration, too. I’m not sure where the instrument I generally play is located, exactly. It might be in my house.

If I was in a band right now, this would be it. I’m concerned however, that I might have to tone down my hairstyle and fashion sense or they wouldn’t let me in.

Abso-fargin-lutely genius here, and one more for our collection of outre covers of this chestnut:

6 Responses

  1. It never fails to amaze me what you dig up for this blog.

    I have probably proven my status as a cave-dweller, but I had never heard of the Leningrad Cowboys. They look like marketing geniuses, nonetheless.

  2. I heard about this band sometime in the last two weeks, but these are the first videos I’ve seen. that hair reminds me of a band I saw 30+ years ago called “Sterno and the Flames”–they wore big pompadour wigs (IIRC, they said they were driving thru Bakersfield, hit a time warp “and came out looking like this!”

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