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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

How Real Men Play Tetris

I’ve actually performed this same job several times. I have not, however, performed it like that. You have two choices, of course: Tough on the back, or tough on the knees. In the long run, it doesn’t matter which you choose, because when you wear one out, you switch to the other one, and wear that out too.

4 Responses

  1. Makes my back hurt just watching it (my knees having packed it in long ago). Hope he’s a short dude, as tall guys don’t last ‘mechanically’ at this kind of abuse. There are advantages for being closer to the ground.

  2. My DH is short. Quiet, scholarly, polite. He came from an almost non existent family. When the local local high school coach caught him getting harassed, he talked DH into taking wrestling classes.

    During the past 42 years, I have twice witnessed him rolling/throwing an obnoxious male over the hood of a car. It’s amazing to see what leverage has over height! Both of these men were much taller and heavier.

    Both of these events were triggered by the opponent abusing one of the women in our family–wife or two daughters. Quiet man said nothing.

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