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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

Do Stuff. Fix Junk. Make Things

This video is almost an hour long, but it’s well worth your time.

I often point out that woodworking videos on the intertunnel seem fairly strange to me, and occasionally infuriating. Pretty much everyone’s making ugly things in weird ways. There’s a generational divide that enters into it that I more or less understand. Younger fellers are much more interested in auto restorations than house renovations. When I was a kid, the local handy guy would have a table saw, an radial arm saw, and maybe a router in their basement. And lots of baby food jars full of wood screws, of course. Today’s handy feller down the street is much more likely to have a MIG welder and an angle grinder and an engine dolly in his garage. My own son is constantly fixing his elderly car rather than having it fixed, for example. I fix my car because I have to. He likes doing it.

I think the general idea people share about the modern economy is that everything is going to be available and disposable. I doubt it. I think more people should learn how to rely on their own mettle to restore their own metal, and many other things that have been discarded without a second thought. Not just because you might have to, although that’s possible. Because you want to is just as good.

One Response

  1. um, i have a mig welder and an engine hoist and an engine stand im my garage, and an angle grinder.

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