A fine effort. I gave it a solid 6 out of 10 on the Dick Proenneke scale of bushcraft. Then I discovered he’d disabled embedding on websites other than YouTube, so I knocked it back to a 5. The insulated, “captured” floor is the shizzle. I love the auger holes and the wooden pegs. The whole thing is a nice, quiet job. He knows enough to come in out of the rain, too, which is not usually a distinguishing mark of the outdoorsy breed. The door hinges are pretty slick, too. Even Proenneke waterproofed his moss roof with a layer of plastic film, so we’re not going to fault him for that. And his foldable rocket stove is fantastic.
Of course, if I received a package from a guy like this, I’d put it in a bucket of water before I opened it. Just sayin’.
3 Responses
Looks like he built it in a wash.
Sounds ASMR good, though. If he does write a manifest, I hope he also puts it on audio books.
Hey Casey- Yeah, site selection maybe could use a little work. He maybe looked for some open ground without worrying too much why it was open.
No problem; just bring in a backhoe to trench around the house.