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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

Beautiful Things. Beautiful People

(Lakeshore – Isaac Levitan)

Mizz E visits and comments here regularly. She’s an educator. She’s a generous contributor to the boys’ music fund for which I am grateful. She has a very sunny avatar picture. Brightens my day to see it.

She’s got a Tumblr page going. I’ve added it to my moribund and mostly obsolete blogroll. Look for it under Tail Feathers.

It’s ottist stuff, mostly. It’s from people I’m not familiar with much. Lends an air of discovery to it. I like looking at John Singer Sargent pitchas as much as the next guy — more, is more likely — but I’d like to see something different from time to time. But not bad. Some people just have a knack for curating Intertunnel collections. They’re coherent and interesting. I’m generally only one or the other of those things at a time, so I like to see them melded once in a while.

Tail Feathers

6 Responses

  1. I already follow Tail Feathers. It is very fine.

    Tumblr has a certain magic, and especially for art as the jpeg size is large. The founders of Tumblr have horse sense, which is an uncommon quality in contemporary art circles.

    You like JSS because he has universal qualities, and is a master at it. Otherworldly skill combined with an actual sense of art. Taken in context, his art was a spaceship in a day of horse drawn buggies.

  2. I love her Tumblr and repost many of the paintings she posts on my Facebook. I peruse many art tumblers, and hers is my favorite. I nearly grabbed the one you posted last night!

  3. Hi Casey- Speaking of artists, here's Casey, my Interfriend, who is a magnificent artist.

    I went to an exhibition of Sargent paintings once. They were literally astonishing to me. Close up, they look like they were painted in a fit, with a housepainting brush. Step back five feet and the person depicted in them started looking at you like you owed them money.

    Hi Leslie- Everyone knows everyone on the Intertunnel, I see.

    Hi Anon- We're not devil-worshipers here. Just admirers.

    Hi p kerit- Very true, that.

    Not just many. Most. I try to remember that when I'm writing. This blog passed a million page views a while back, which isn't much in the scheme of things, but I'm grateful for every person that reads here. No man writes for no one.

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