Or sister, of course.
My wife made some people. Think of that. I make furniture. This guy makes knives:
I read Amy Alkon from time to time. She’s been kind enough to link to me now and again. I got a chuckle out of the comments appended to: Cash And Caring: Ladies, Would You Date An Unemployed Man?
I’ve never been unemployed that I can recall, so my experience is perhaps not helpful. But then again, I haven’t had a “job” for very many of the very many years I’ve been working; I just worked. I’ve been an employer, too; I’ve employed somewhere between no one and two hundred people at one time or another, so I do know what a person with a job looks like, anyway.
I loved this exchange:
…One guy I dated (the /only/ much older guy) impulsively quit his
executive job over some political issues at work. He had nothing else
lined up, and then he didn’t start job hunting, and the resulting stress
helped end the relationship. He started talking about pursuing
furniture building and other unrealistic career paths that could not
provide a livelihood…
Amy responded:
He started talking about pursuing furniture building and other unrealistic career paths that could not provide a livelihood.
This sort of thing is a big deal. When women are willing to give a guy who is having some financial trouble the benefit of the doubt, they want to see realism and potential.
I dunno. I’m told some women want to see furniture. There’s at least one I know of that wants to see the furniture maker, too.
5 Responses
Amy probably thinks furniture comes from the "Free" section of Craigslist and IKEA. That's why she's got so many lawnchairs on flat boxes in her living room.
You funny.
With my first wife, I asked her: If I were a carpenter, and you were a lady, would you marry me anyway? Would you have my baby?
"No", she said, much too quickly.
First wife, not the last, and the second did and still does ever-so-much better on that test question.
Valley Girl speak has like totally taken over.
That makes me sad.
Grampa was a carpenter
built houses stores and banks
chain-smoked Camel cigarettes
and hammered nails in planks
John Prine
Me, I'm a GC, and make music. YMMV