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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

Hey Nancy Sinatra, Ima Gonna Let You Finnish, But The Leningrad Cowboys Had The Best History Of Finland Of All Time. Of All Time

8 Responses

  1. I've been there! I've been to Finland… visited at the height of Summer Solstice, when the sun never sets and the drinking never ceases… and this is Finland! And watching this film, now you've been there, too. It's so dark and foreboding throughout winter, the only way you can numb the boredom and depression is with drink. And then the sun finally returns, so the appropriate activity is to celebrate and drink heavily. This film might be a little cruel and over-reaching in its prejudice, but still, I think most Finns will say, "Ayeyuh… thar we be…"

  2. Oh, Bob, that was just so very bad. So seductively, deliciously bad. But at least I could understand the words. I never knew that music could be a race to the finish line, but she showed me so many new things. New tones, new rhythms, it's so chock fulla new!

  3. Dear Lord, G Bob, that was sublime, or ridiculous, or both, or something.

    I used to style myself a connoisseur of bad music, but I got nothing on you.

  4. I used to make my records sing like this, Bob, by pressing down on the needle just a tad, but this woman has a gift!

  5. Wow! This internet is truly dangerous. It's going to take me a few days to get passed Mrs. Miller… whew…..

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