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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

45s I Won’t Throw Out

Well, I’ve posted twice in one day. That just doesn’t happen. But certain gauntlets must be picked up. My friend Ann Althouse hurled one at my feet, though perhaps she didn’t know it. Ann got a head start on me, calendar-wise, but hey, bring it on.

6 Responses

  1. Your 45 of Johnny Nash looks perfectly playable though.

    Hers, of the 4 Seasons, looks like it has been used as a coaster, or a table leg leveller.

    I packed off all my vinyl and donated to the Goodwill in 1994.

  2. Ann is looking to win this one on points, with a technical knock out.

    It’s a thirty year old record. I think the original record company went out of business.

    You’re older than me! You got a head start!

    I bought singles from a business that used to get them for jukeboxes. I swear you could buy anything in that store – drugs, booze, weapons, babies… I think I was the only one buying the records.

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