You can follow along with Buzz and Neil and Mike and Mission Control here: First Men on the Moon
If you’re not up for going that far from home, you can always go for a walk around your yard. You know, from space:
A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything
You can follow along with Buzz and Neil and Mike and Mission Control here: First Men on the Moon
If you’re not up for going that far from home, you can always go for a walk around your yard. You know, from space:
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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything
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4 Responses
Don’t you know it was all a fake?
Just don’t tell General Aldrin that…he’s likely to punch you out.
Watching this always brings a tear to my eye. To know we had this capability, and our country threw it away with both hands in order to fund collectivist redistribution.
Hi Blackwing- Thanks for reading and commenting.
I was just a little kid but I remember watching Armstrong step on the moon on my uncle’s TV set. It’s just one of those big milestones that stick in your mind, while so many other things fade.
I grew up with the space program watching every launch I could on the tube. When I retired and moved south to escape the cold and snow I landed about 20 miles from where they launch from. I watch them go up from the backyard if i’m awake. I was woken by one at 3:43 this morning, thunder that goes on for a bit. Watching them come back and land tickles my Flash Gordon every time.
Hi Ralph- Thanks for reading and commenting.
Watching rocket launches live must be quite a trip. When I was very young, sometimes my dad would take me to a nearby small airport, and park on a street at the end of the runway. We’d watch with little Cessnas and Beechcrafts take off and land right over our heads. They did that little side-slipping action when they got airborne that prop planes do, that makes them more interesting to watch. My father flew on bomber planes, and I think he missed the feeling of flying somewhat. I never got tired of it.