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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

Our Continuing Series: Paul Robeson Playing Softball

Hello, and welcome from the management. Please remember to tip our bartenders and waitresses, and remember we are not responsible for lost articles, or adjectives for that matter.

If you’re new to the Cottage, we have a longstanding tradition. We feature pictures of Paul Robeson playing softball each Wednesday at exactly 9:38 in the AM.

The management regrets that we are a little short of pictures of Paul Robeson playing softball this week, and our fallback offerings of Videos Of Marlon Brando Playing The Bongos In A Grotto Fashioned After A Drunkard’s Nightmare Videos are offline right now, so we offer you, the discerning listener, er, reader, er, viewer, er, connoisseur, yes, that’s it, our Videos of Marlon Brando Playing the Ukelele On French Television Videos. Look for it in labels under VMBPUOFTV in the future. Enjoy, and drive safely.

10 Responses

  1. OK, I haven't clicked the Play arrow yet, because I am fascinated by the freeze frame. In my mind, it flips back and forth between images.

    First is the normal. I see a handsome man wearing a flowered headband, a black earring, and a short, dark lei. He smiles at his female partner. There is a black shadow under his chin, tucked into his lei.

    Then, suddenly, I am looking at a grotesque, huge-headed tiki-man. His lump-of-coal eye glares at the audience, his lump-of-coal mouth under his lumpish potato nose intones "Ooooh!" as his fat chin wobbles on his chest.

    OK, I've watched the video, and I see it is the handsome man who is real. But I still cannot shake the vision of the swollen mask.

    I probably would not have been tricked if the lei appeared in its true colors, and not so very near the skin tone of its wearer.

  2. Oh, and I forgot to mention: the tiki-man is wearing a santa cap. I don't know why I don't see that on the handsome man.

  3. Was this filmed at the Tahiti pavilion at the '67 World's Fair?
    Mr. Christian sure did have an eye for the raven-haired Polynesian lasses.

    Marlon Brando's life is a long weird movie(and I don't even know the half of it).

  4. Hi teresa- I have no idea if that's the case.

    Brando's whole thang in that video is about as strange a thing as I've seen, and let me tell you, I've seen the Internets

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