A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything
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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything
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18 Responses
The house looks Federal (?) era; furnishings look a little later, maybe 1870's; teh gentleman in front is definately in 1920's style (the straw boater seems to give him away.
I'm going to guess a New England location for no other reason than I get a New England vibe from the photos.
Who's house? Maybe Daniel Webster?
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Amy Lowell (?)
Good guesses, but not correct.
Edgar Allen Poe.
I haven't got a clue, but I'll be checking back to learn the answer.
No Poe
I am intrigued by the interior door, which I would have expected to be a "Cross and Bible" door, given the apparent age of the house. This I think, is a significant clue. And I do not know the name of this door style.
I think the house must have belonged to one of those pesky Transcendentalists 🙂
How about Herman Melville?
I get a slightly more southern vibe from it.
Washington Irving?
Not bad guesses, but not right either.
And we love Pat at the Cottage, but it's not even southern New England.
The Longest Fellow I know – Henry Wadsworth, that is.
Do tell!
Do tell!
Yeah, looks like Andy is right. Longfellow's house in Maine. Definitely not Southern.
Andy is a smart fellow. He musta lived by the shores of the Gitche Gumee at one time to recognize Longfellow's house in Portland, Maine.
He wins one Intarnet!
My moment in Maine saw me begging beers from a lovely barmaid who turned out to have hairy armpits. I soon thought I ought switch Portlands with one whose Sasquatches aren't pulling taps at the watering hole.