Sippican Cottage

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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything


Anyone else having trouble with Google and related sites today? Took ten minutes+ to open my blog. Gmail, search, analytics won’t even display, just tries to load forever.

The rapture? Zombie apocalypse?

Is this thing on?

12 Responses

  1. No problems at all, sir. In fact, Google Reader notified me of this post in what seems to be a timely manner. Things are zipping right along.

    Which certainly doesn’t mean we should stop worrying about Zombies. Ever.

  2. Yes, a spotty day here. I think the internets are broken.

    My Gmail IMAP is completely down, and various other Google-related things are randomly hit-or-miss.

  3. Yup. Google and related sites are wonky here. Very s l o w for sometime but in the last few minutes I’m seeing an improvement.

  4. Google was sooooo slooooow and as Gerard said, “Wonky”! Now it is back to normal functioning.

    No rapture or zombie apocalypse yet but it’s still a possibility.

  5. Sipp,

    Should’ve known you’d have scribbled on it.

    It’s just odd (and delightful!) to see two of my favorite bloggers enter the same orbit.

  6. ed in texas

    There was a temporary server outage, caused by someone posting stuff about the Tornados, leading to a daisy chain server gag.

    You gotta watch that stuff. Garbage in, hopefully garbage out. If not, then you need a fiber optic roto-router rooter.

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