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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

50 State Ring-And-Run Crime Spree

I wondered if there was a way to visit every state in the Union without actually going there. Those rectangular ones with two time zones and one congressman are sort of daunting to a denizen of the coast. Mysterious. But every state has a vibe, more or less; and no matter what anyone tells you about how uniform the culture is getting, I’ve always been struck by how different the same thing can be depending on where you are. So, we offer humbly, the same thing in fifty places at least fifty years ago. Not sure what it’s all like now. That would involve leaving my house.


Washington, D.C. :
Florida:More tomorrow, and until one of us gets bored or I get to Samoa.

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