Now, I have a lot of friends on these here internets. We jostle and poke fun, and chat and so forth about a lot of things. Some how or another, like a fool, I mentioned that Jackie Kennedy was a hot babe way back when. Twice as foolishly, I also mentioned that she couldn’t hold a candle to my own mother. And they tempted me to prove it.
Now, pictures of my family from forty years ago are in short supply, and I don’t have many. This one is a scan of a scan, I think. She might be graduating from high school here, or egad! junior high. Anyway, you see what I was talking about now, don’t you my friends?
The really funny part is, she pretty much looks the same right now. Hi mom!
10 Responses
Mr. Sullivan, you have a lovely mother.
What Ruth Anne said.
Hi, Mrs. Sullivan! Thank your husband for his WWII service for us. And thanks for raising a good son.
Anyway, you see what I was talking about now, don’t you my friends?
Crystally clear, yes!
What a luscious babe, in that still virginal grad gown — yet with a tinge of suggestive fun in those almondine eyes.
Lovely, lovely.
Don’t make ’em like that anymore.
Mrs. Kennedy or Mrs. Sullivan.
Pastor_Jeff said…
Hey, Pastor Jeff! It’s me, Victoria, back from the blogger-undead.
P.S.: I can’t believe this tripe. Am I the only one without a kiddie pic in her Blogger avatar???
All the cool kids have their kiddie pics.
Even Reader_Iam reverted to her kid pic.
If I remember correctly, it was because Ruth Anne’s “all the cool kids” line worked on me! Or maybe it had to do with Pastor Jeff. Or the combo.
And I still say Pastor Jeff’s pic is a stop-all dead ringer for one of my brother at the same general age.
Sip, with regard to your mom, the vh I got pretty nails it, starting out as it does with “yum”!
Hi, Victoria!
It’s good to hear from you. Hurry up and post a toddler photo. We’re all dying of suspense, anyway.
Sip’s post made me remember an old photo portrait of my mom at about the same age. She’s lovely, too, if I may say so myself.
Thank God