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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

More Than Sticks And Bricks

Well, I found a postcard featuring the Millicent Library in Fairhaven, Massachusetts to annoy you with today. The town’s benefactor, H.H. Rogers, built it to commemorate the memory of his beloved teenaged daughter, after her untimely death. Here it is, as envisioned by its builders:

It still looks more or less like this, but there are a lot more mature trees and foundation plantings now, and it’s difficult to get in position to capture the whole joint without greenery intruding into the frame. The picture is from a lovely small archive of postcards of venerable things called: Vintage Views.

Of course you can peruse our earlier ramblings about the old place here, and here. Oh yes; and here.

Or just walk up those stairs with me. The pictures always list to the port side these days, as the left hand is being tugged by a certain three year old library devotee.

Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you that when you see my pictures straighten out, there will be a tear in my eye also.

It is difficult to consider Mr. Rogers’ eye.

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