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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

I’ve Got A Hankerin’ For Some Hungarian Rockabilly

Spot-on stuff. Simple. Direct. Charming. Peppy. I wonder; would it be easier to find such a thing in the United States, or elsewhere? These people are from Hungary. Budapest is certainly “elsewhere.” The US has an enormous appetite for nostalgia, of course, but it’s usually heavily ladled with hipster sauce — a desire to resurrect it because it’s dreadful. I don’t see that here. They love it, so they copy it as best they can.

The Tom Stormy Trio is the band. Rhythm Sophie is the singer. The translation on her webpage is too charmingly off-kilter not to offer here:

Miss Rhythm Sophie, red hot rhythm and blues chirp of Budapest, Hungary, the most exciting young singer on the scene, singin’ the original 40’s – 50’s style rhythm and blues and rock and roll.
It didn’t take a long time for her to became well-known of her fantastic voice and style, now she’s touring in the country all the time, as well as all over Europe sometimes (she toured Croatia, Romania, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands successfully), making radio and TV appearences regularly, and recording excellent stuff from time to time.
She’s a very versatile person, she can get you in the mood of the smoky bars of the 1920’s when she sings the blues only with a guitarist or a piano player; or she can make you scream and shout and have a ball when she sings them jumpin’ rhythm and blues things with her combo. She even sings gospel, country and western or sometimes rock-a-billy as well.

Be-Bop-A-Leopold The Second. Hey kids — rock on!

8 Responses

  1. "Live 365" is an aggregation of independent, internet "radio" stations. They have a rockabilly section that currently has approx. 15 stations listed. Lots of good listening for whatever type of music that grabs your fancy.

  2. I am recently finding that the scene is huge in Hungary. One of my favorite bands is called the Mystery Gang, a great hungarian rockabilly band with 21st century edge.

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