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Picture of sippicancottage


A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

You People Can’t Scare Me

I survived 1976. Nothing frightens me anymore.

10 Responses

  1. John Lennon wrote "How Do You Sleep?" around the same time… which was a scathing opinion piece penned to Paul and set to some truly excellent guitar work supplied by George Harrison. The best line, to me, was "That sound you make is Muzak to my ears… you should have learned something in all those years." I will have to start humming something really quick here, or I'm going to be infected by this video all day.

  2. If you turn off the video and just listen, it sounds strangly like Randy Newman.

    Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you to deserve this assault on my senses?

  3. Sipps, I loved your combination of Yeats + San Fran (of his era, no less) I versed a response. Hoping it is not mind-destroying terrible.

    Not The Way We Know It

    The cities were once beautiful
    But not the way we know it so
    So this is what we are told
    We who are young, we who are old.

    What is life but messiness
    Exhaustedly against we press
    The folds of the unfolding air
    And breathe out an earthly care

    The odors of the many things
    Fly on microscopic wings
    Like a host of fairy-kin
    And stir without, what within

    A waking dream unset the dust
    Desire a motion, will a gust
    The dirt is resting everywhere
    Crust of must this must we share

    The street alive with trouble's wight
    Fear is day, desire is night
    But chance awakes a new detour
    Distrust mask a special more

    Among the wind's cacophany
    Rises unwrit symphony
    Look not at beauty of the eyes
    Heed not our daylight's pretty lies

    Nor heed moonshine's false delight
    Still and stiller is the might
    Of the thing which stills the air
    Drunk desire in virtue share

    For my dreams are paving-stones
    Build they roads and build they homes
    Build it high and build it low
    Build it now or long ago

    A northern light in darkened world
    A bow untaut, a scroll unfurled
    Eat the bread of living air
    Feel the common worldly care

    And tip your hat to passerby
    Smell of urine, smell of lye
    I bit my lip to beauty full
    But not the way we know it so.

  4. As a graduate in the year 1976, I consider this vid a homecoming, of sorts. You had to be there to get it, I guess.

    We survived the seventies, so that others won't have to relive it.

  5. …. please tell me that was a clip from The Gong Show, and Berry's gong was busted or he was being held down by a gang of ninjas or something…..


  6. Oh no- not this time. I bit on the hideous Russian singer, and the last nightmare dance routine. I'm sadder, but just a little wiser for the experience. I ain't gonna' click that arrow for love or money. Nice try.


  7. What Teresa said, exactly: It was intentionally hilarious, and brilliantly so.

    McCartney was fun back then. An absolute master of his craft, with a gift for writing immortal hooks and a genuine sense of fun. The fey goofiness above is a fitting tribute to a Great Man.

    The hell with Lennon. Lennon was a self-pitying, self-important bore.

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