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A Man Who Has Nothing In Particular To Recommend Him Discusses All Sorts of Subjects at Random as Though He Knew Everything

You Look Good, Like A Captain. I Salute You

Ah, the week in public comments at the Santa Cruz City Council and the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors. It’s like a national treasure, truly.

Whose soul is not stirred by the sight of a windmill looming on the horizon? But if the fair Dulcinea ain’t showing up, who can blame the man of steady mien if he doth assemble his Panza Division anyway, and transfer his attention to anther fair maid, and her $209,000.00, $209,000.00, $209,000.00, $203,000.00, $203,000.00 $194,000.00, $203,000.00, $174,000.00, $198,000.00, $193,000.00 $198,000.00 $193,000.00 $194,000.00, $187,000.00, $187,000.00, $184,000.00, $184,000.00, $184,000.00, $184,000.00, $184,000.00, $179,000.00, $182,000.00, $164,000.00, $173,000.00, $172,000.00, $172,000.00, $178,000.00, $171,000.00, $168,000.00 …

Panza Division” copyright 2009 Sippican Cottage, all rights reserved. Snicker.

12 Responses

  1. See, now, uncle Jerome told me there was no tape of last year's family reunion. He has always been a liar.

  2. It is good to see that Snata Cruz has not gone downhill – they are just as sharp as ever. HEY – ARE YOU GOING TO ARREST ME?!?

  3. And hail there, Sip. Still reading, but lost the will to write fer a spell.

    It was as if I was watching the Santa Cruz public commenters begin to enact their bizarre inner utopias on a national level, and all at once.

    All I could seem to do in response was swear, which is remarkably dull reading after the first two minutes or so.

    But hail there, Sip.

  4. I'm scared by 2 facts. Fact one is that you took the time to actually transcribe, correctly, the litany of large dollar amounts the one man was reading. Fact two is that I paid close enough attention to both the video and your post to notice Fact One.

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